Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pemex's investments: in or out of the budget?

This year, Pemex's investments are included in the public sector finances, which explains why we've seen increases on the order of 75% in real terms in public sector investments at the same time that companies complain that the infrastructure program hasn't taken off. However, the section on expenditures in the 173 page "Perspectives and Economic Agenda for 2010-2015" document that complemented the 2010 budget presented to Congress last night consistently cites expenditures excluding Pemex's investments.

Net: Read the definitions closely. The government includes Pemex's investments when it wants to emphasize that it's implementing an expansionary fiscal policy. When the deficit will be uncomfortably large, as is the case in 2010, the numbers the government presents excludes investments by Pemex. Voila! A public sector borrowing requirement of about 4% of GDP is a deficit equal to 0.5% of GDP. Both statements are true: the former includes borrowing for Pidiregas and Pemex's investments; the latter does not.


The contrast between President Calderon's third Informe and the budget proposal presented to Congress six days later is striking. The 2010 budget proposal combines higher taxes and flashy expenditure cuts that don't attack the root of the problem with a deficit -- hardly a signficant reorientation of the public sector finances or the dramatic call for action of the Informe.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

President Calderon laid out his Administration's "top ten" priorities for the remainder of his six-year term yesteray in his third Informe. It's clear he's aware of what needs to be done to boost Mexico's sustainable long-term growth rate. Can he do it?

Following is Banamex's summary of the 10 points.

1. Concentrar la fuerza y recursos del Estado para combatir la pobreza;
2. Universalizar la cobertura de servicios de salud en el ámbito nacional;
3. Promover una educación de calidad para garantizar una salida definitiva de la pobreza;
4. Llevar a cabo una profunda reforma de la hacienda pública que sustituya los decrecientes ingresos petroleros con fuentes alternativas de ingreso, que racionalice el gasto, amplíe la base gravable de manera sustentable y combata la evasión fiscal;
5. Reformar la estructura de la economía nacional para volverla más competitiva y fortalecer su capacidad generadora de empleo. Esto implica emprender una profunda modernización de las empresas del sector energético, que ya requieren una segunda generación de reformas y mayor firmeza para actuar contra intereses corporativos;
6. Reformar también el sector telecomunicaciones para hacer realidad la convergencia y abrir paso a una mayor competencia;
7. Modernizar el marco legal del empleo para promover una mayor productividad sin afectar derechos adquiridos de los trabajadores;
8. Desarrollar una reforma regulatoria de fondo para que el gobierno tenga una regulación base cero, que elimine costos de transacción tanto para los ciudadanos cuanto para las empresas;
9. Profundizar y ampliar la lucha contra el crimen organizado mediante el fortalecimiento del Estado de derecho pero también apelando a la participación coordinada de ciudadanos y gobiernos estatales;
10. Emprender una nueva reforma del sistema político para pasar del objetivo de “sufragio efectivo” a otro de “democracia efectiva”, donde la pluralidad no implique parálisis.